這是一張有關標題為 Hello Wells 的圖片

Hello Wells

Hello, I am Wells

Hello, I am Wells. This is a record of my personal insights and reflections during the development process.

If permitted, I will also occasionally vent about my career.

Why Write Technical Articles?

Giving back to society.

In my younger days, I managed a blog focused on software sharing. However, it required a significant amount of effort (writing articles, providing hosting space, updating software versions). Moreover, sharing software seemed redundant with so many similar resources available, leaving it to the professionals seemed best.

But in daily life, there are countless technical explanations to repeat, numerous grievances to air, and many experiences to share.

So why not document them and try to share my insights and perspectives with others?

Why Choose Hugo as a Framework?

Before starting to write, here are the factors I considered:

  1. Serverless

    Traditional WordPress uses a PHP framework, requiring a server for backend operations. In contrast, static web pages can be hosted on platforms like GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, or Firebase Hosting without much hassle.

  2. Speed

    The web page needs to load quickly, without many plugins or ads.

  3. Usability

    Generating static web pages should be simple, avoiding the need to relearn API usage for static directories, updating packages, and other operations after a few months.

  4. Popularity

    A popular framework ensures future scalability and support.

Common frameworks include Jekyll, Hexo, and Hugo. Considering various factors, I ultimately chose Hugo.

Initially, I opted for Hexo, a Node.js-based framework. After installing Hexo, you can start writing and compiling articles.

However, after writing the first article in September 2023, it wasn’t until November 2023 that I truly began writing. The unfamiliar syntax required a three-minute recall.

Additionally, Node.js and Hexo have specific version requirements. Using npm outdated and npm update to check and update Hexo versions adds to the maintenance burden. (Node.js (20.9.0 LTS), Hexo (7.0.0))

In contrast, Hugo, developed with Go, is an executable file. Once installed, it’s ready to go. Simply enter the blog directory and run commands to set up a server or compile. It’s genuinely fast to use.

For other platforms:

  1. Jekyll is rumored to compile slowly with many articles, and requires Ruby installation. The similarity to Node.js operations discouraged me from further exploration.
  2. VuePress is relatively niche, seemingly less popular than Hexo and Hugo.

However, the article format is Markdown, so future platform migrations should be seamless. At this stage, choosing a widely used and growing framework for technical writing is sufficient.


This blog is for writing technical articles and sharing insights. If you find the articles helpful, feel free to share the URL with others. If you spot any errors, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Thank you very much.

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