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Replacing Google with ChatGPT Search and Setting Up Temporary Chats by Default

Leverages ChatGPT search to unify web data and AI models, configures default browser search, and enables ephemeral chats for better accuracy and privacy.


Recently, OpenAI launched a new ChatGPT search feature, enabling ChatGPT to retrieve information from the web and combine it with GPT’s language processing capabilities to improve search accuracy.

As shown below, using the ChatGPT search function is straightforward. Simply click on the globe icon in the ChatGPT input box, enter your query, and the search feature will activate. The input content is first searched and organized, then a comprehensive response is provided.

Using ChatGPT Search

Currently, OpenAI offers a ChatGPT search extension that integrates with browsers. After installation, it modifies the search engine in the address bar, allowing direct queries to ChatGPT, where results are consolidated.

However, the default extension search does not support temporary chat properties. In this article, we provide a more flexible way to integrate the address bar with ChatGPT search, allowing temporary chats to avoid records.

ChatGPT’s “Temporary Chat” feature enables one-off conversations that are not saved to chat history, ideal for sensitive topics or situations where you prefer not to leave a record.

Managing Browser Search Engines

  1. Access the Search Engine Settings Page

    Enter the following URL to go to the “Manage Search Engines” page:

    • Google Chrome: chrome://settings/searchEngines/
    • Microsoft Edge: edge://settings/searchEngines
    • Firefox:
      • Enter about:config, search for browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh and set it to true
      • Then enter about:preferences#search to configure settings

Manage Search Engines in Chrome

  1. Add ChatGPT as a Search Engine

    Click the “Add” button and enter the following information:

    NameA recognizable name to remember the search engineChatGPT
    ShortcutEnter this shortcut in the address bar followed by “space” or “Tab” to activate the search engines or gpt, or any other memorable choice
    URLQuery URL format, inserting the user’s query at %shttps://chatgpt.com/?q=%s&hints=search&temporary-chat=true

    Query String Explanation:

    • ?q=%s: q is the query parameter, with %s capturing the user’s search content.
    • hints=search: Instructs ChatGPT to use the search feature; omit if search is not desired.
    • temporary-chat=true: Setting this to true ensures this chat is temporary and the conversation is not saved.

Add ChatGPT Search Engine

  1. Enable and Use

    After setup, enter the “Search Shortcut” + “Space/Tab Key” in the address bar, then enter keywords to trigger the ChatGPT search engine with temporary chat enabled.

  2. Set as Default Search Engine (Optional)

    If you wish to use ChatGPT directly from the Chrome address bar, you can set it as the default search engine.

    Note that setting it as the default search engine will prevent Google’s search suggestions and basic arithmetic functions from being available.

Set ChatGPT as Default Search Engine


Before using ChatGPT search, I primarily relied on FastGPT by kagi.com as my search tool. This tool efficiently integrates search results and summarizes key points, with links to relevant pages. If desired, you can set https://kagi.com/fastgpt?query=%s as your browser’s search engine for convenient use.

Another frequently used tool is Perplexity, which not only responds to search needs in real time but also leverages a large language model to understand context and suggest related questions for better usability.

Similarly, setting https://www.perplexity.ai/search?q=%s as a browser search engine can enhance convenience.

In comparison, ChatGPT search has notable advantages. Not only can it consolidate search results, but it can also retain contextual understanding, allowing users to continue with follow-up questions. Additionally, ChatGPT supports flexible response formats, such as table layouts, specific language outputs, and translations—capabilities that traditional search engines struggle to offer. However, ChatGPT search is currently limited to paid users. With further development, it is expected to become available to a broader audience.


  1. Introducing ChatGPT search | OpenAI
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